Otmoor 18th October.

Otmoor 18th October.

Great White Egret still 17:00 Greenaways
Merlin. (f.) Also seen on Ashgrave.
Hen Harrier ( Ringtail)
Stonechat. 2. (m. and f. ) Ashgrave
(Per. Paul Greenaway.)

2 Bearded Tit From 1st screen.
11 Fieldfare
2 Water Rail

(per Peter Coombes & Joe Harris)

Conflict between Grey Heron And Great White Egret.

- Otmoor: 25th November
    Hen Harrier fem. Ashgrave. 300 Fieldfare: 300 plus. Redwing: 50. Treecreeper: Car Park. 70 Golden Plover: Over. Raven Green Sandpiper: 2nd screen. 4 Stonechat Marsh Tit Peter Coombes The Otmoor Blogger ...

- Otmoor 24th October
Great White Egret (Big Otmoor) 2 Bearded Tit In bushes next to Hide (Wetlands watch). Raven Peter Coombes...

- Otmoor 19 October

- Otmoor 15th October
Great White Egret again on Greenaways 16:10 (per Andrew Marshall) Still present flew towards Ashgrave c17:35 (per JT) Marsh Harrier Merlin  m (per Peter Coombes et al) Bearded Tit 2 Marsh Tit on feeders 17:00 Fieldfare 8 Sent from Yahoo! Mail...

- Otmoor: 3rd April
32 Dunlin: west of path to 2nd screen. 2 Golden Plover: males in summer plummage. west of path to 2nd screen. 3 Redshank: west of path to 2nd screen. 2 Ruff: west of path to 12nd screen. 2 Curlew: west of path to 2nd screen. 15 Fieldfare: west of path...

