Otmoor 15th October

Otmoor 15th October

Great White Egret again on Greenaways 16:10 (per Andrew Marshall)
Still present flew towards Ashgrave c17:35 (per JT)

Marsh Harrier
Merlin  m (per Peter Coombes et al)
Bearded Tit 2
Marsh Tit on feeders 17:00
Fieldfare 8

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- Otmoor 22nd December
Whooper Swan 3 (2 juv) in field N/W of the 2nd screen with 9 Mute Swan. Hen Harrier r/t on Greenaways Golden Plover c400 Lapwing c500 Pintail Marsh Tit on feeders Yesterday 2 Ruff Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android ...

- Otmoor: 25th November
    Hen Harrier fem. Ashgrave. 300 Fieldfare: 300 plus. Redwing: 50. Treecreeper: Car Park. 70 Golden Plover: Over. Raven Green Sandpiper: 2nd screen. 4 Stonechat Marsh Tit Peter Coombes The Otmoor Blogger ...

- Otmoor 22nd October
Great white Egret on Greenaways along diagonal track at 17:06 (per Ticker) This morning viewable from the Wetlands watch hide 10:48 (per Paul Greenaway)  Hen Harrier r/t Greenaways 16:37 (per Ticker) Bittern over reedbeds Tawny Owl (H) Sent...

- Otmoor Wednesday 17th October Beardy Update
Picture from 15th Oct 2009Bearded Tits are still present and visible from first screen but distant. There are still approximately six or seven birds (per Badger) Bark Also seen from the 2nd screen this morning (per Peter Coombes) Bittern also reported this...

- Otmoor 25th August
Marsh Harrier imm over Greenaways at 16:28 Peregrine Hobby 2 Green Sandpiper 5 (3 from 1st screen 2 Ashgrave) Snipe Little Egret 8+ Whinchat 2 (on fence around 'Big Otmoor' and 1 in hedgerow to                    ...

