Otmoor 18th March

Otmoor 18th March

300 Fieldfare: 300 + Otmoor lane.
Hen Harrier 2 fem (& male per Wayne Bull)
Merlin: male.
8 Curlew
4 Ruff
120 Golden Plover: 120.
Pintail: 3 m 1 fm.
30 Snipe

Peter Coombes The Otmoor Blogger

Looking more December than March Robin Otmoor 18th
(c) P.Coombes

- Otmoor 17th March
Lesser Pecker Otmoor both photos courtesey of Steve Lockey Lesser Spotted Woodpecker near the Wetlands Watch hide c11:40 (per Steve Lockey) Marsh Harrier p.m (RSPB et al) Dunlin 21 Curlew 3 Shelduck 3 Raven 2 Merlin (nr Noke Farm) (Per Peter...

- Otmoor 10th March
Hen Harrier: fem. 2 Curlew 2 Chiffchaff: Singing. 5 Redshank 3 Snipe Bearded Tit: fem. Reported 2nd screen early am. 1500 Golden Plover: Big Otmoor. Pintail: 1st screen. Raven Peter Coombes Curlew Photo P.Coombes...

- Otmoor: 19th February
5 Black-tailed Godwit: Big Otmoor. Curlew: Greenaways. 15 Dunlin: Big Otmoor. 4 Ruff: Big Otmoor. Hen Harrier: Reedbed. Chiffchaff Peregrine Peter Coombes Great spotted Woodpecker courtesey of Peter Coombes...

- Otmoor: 25th November
    Hen Harrier fem. Ashgrave. 300 Fieldfare: 300 plus. Redwing: 50. Treecreeper: Car Park. 70 Golden Plover: Over. Raven Green Sandpiper: 2nd screen. 4 Stonechat Marsh Tit Peter Coombes The Otmoor Blogger ...

- Otmoor 5th March
5 Barnacle Geese on Greenaways (Mary Clifton) 2 Bittern: 1 at 1st screen and a second very close to the second screen. Barn Owl: flying along path to 1st screen at 9:00 am. 200 Golden Plover 2 Curlew: from 2nd screen. Hen Harrier: male. Big Otmoor....

