Otmoor 17th March

Otmoor 17th March

Lesser Pecker Otmoor both photos courtesey of Steve Lockey

Lesser Spotted Woodpecker near the Wetlands Watch hide c11:40 (per Steve Lockey)

Marsh Harrier p.m (RSPB et al)

Dunlin 21
Curlew 3
Shelduck 3
Raven 2
Merlin (nr Noke Farm)

(Per Peter Coombes)

Wader species seen today in flight amongst the Dunlin & Golden Plover over Big Otmoor
(T.S & H.W).
The description matches that of a bird seen in flight at Otmoor briefly on the 4th of March
by P. Coombes. Current thinking is leaning towards an unseasonal Curlew Sandpiper.

- Otmoor.a.m. 16th October.
                                                            Bittern (per John Reynolds)   ...

- Farmoor 1st September
Curlew Sands courtesey of Alan Horsley                                          Curlew Sandpiper 2             ...

- Otmoor. Evening.
Shelduck.  (juv.)From the Bridleway.          Marsh Harrier.                                          1 Hobby (per Joe...

- Charlton-on-otmoor: 11th March
  Charlton-on-Otmoor 3 Curlew: Over Malt pit. Otmoor 2 Curlew Raven Shelduck: Big Otmoor. 2 Dunlin: Big Otmoor. Peter Coombes Otmoor Redshank photo courtesey of Stephen Collier...

- Otmoor 18th March
300 Fieldfare: 300 + Otmoor lane. Hen Harrier 2 fem (& male per Wayne Bull) Merlin: male. 8 Curlew Redshank 4 Ruff 120 Golden Plover: 120. Raven Chiffchaff Pintail: 3 m 1 fm. 30 Snipe Peter Coombes The Otmoor Blogger Looking more December...

