Otmoor 13th Sept

Otmoor 13th Sept

Rather windy so the birds were all hunkered down.
1 male redstart Long Meadow
1 hobby on the ground near the new hide

Spotted flycatcher (taken recently at Farmoor) (c) Pete Styles

- Otmoor 6th September
Marsh Harrier 3 Sparrowhawk Black-tailed Godwit Greenshank Golden Plover Stonechat nr 1st scn Whinchat Redstart 3+ Long Meadow Spotted Flycatcher Long Meadow Wheatear The Closes (per Bark & Pete Roby) ...

- Otmoor 27th July
Glossy Ibis Marsh Harrier 2 Peregrine 2 Water Rail 2+ 1st screen Black-tailed Godwit (from Hide) Dunlin 3 1st screen Redstart (Long Meadow) (per Bark et el) Redstart 2 (m & juv) Step Ground (the field between the Joseph Stone ground & the...

- Otmoor: 10th September
3 Whinchat: On fence posts, Ashgrave. 4 Wheatear: On bushes just past hide Big Otmoor. Kingfisher: Along stream past hide Big Otmoor. Treecreeper: On Oak tree Greenaways (c) Derek Woodard. Redstart: male. Long meadow. Hobby: Big Otmoor. Peter Coombes...

- Otmoor 1st September Evening
Yellow Wagtail at least 140 going to roost in the reeds Barn Owl 1 Hobby 2Sparrowhawk 1 Greenshank 1Green Sandpiper 1 Little Egret 1Redstart 2 Steve, Pete and Terry Long Meadow:4 Redstart Spotted flycatcher Mike Flemming ...

- Otmoor.a.m. 31st. August.
Pill Ground: 1 Whitethroat 2 Whinchat Reserve: 1 Sparrowhawk 1 Wheatear Long Meadow: 4+ Redstart 1 Spotted Flycatcher 1 Marsh Tit ...

