Otmoor 11th September.

Otmoor 11th September.

1 Marsh Harrier
3 Hobby
2+ Raven.
6 Whinchat: 3 greenaways, 1 along path past hide 2 along south path.
2 Cetti's Warbler: at least 2. heard singing from 4 different locations.

(per Paul Greenaway & Peter Coombes)

- Otmoor 14th May
Glossy Ibis still on Closes 18:28 (per Andy Last) 1 Black-tailed Godwit 2 Oystercatcher 2 Curlew (per Peter Coombes) 12 Little Egret 2 Turtle Dove 7 Hobby. Raven (per Peter Coombes) Cuckoo courtesey of Nick Truby Peregrine  (John Gough) Quail Heard...

- Otmoor 25th April
Garden Warbler 1m singing in blackthorns by car park and then flew off towards Roman Way Grasshopper Warbler 3m reeling in car park field Cuckoo 1 Redstart: male. Along the path to the 1st screen. Raven 3 Wheatear Hobby: Ashgrave. Ewan Urquhart...

- Otmoor: 3rd April
32 Dunlin: west of path to 2nd screen. 2 Golden Plover: males in summer plummage. west of path to 2nd screen. 3 Redshank: west of path to 2nd screen. 2 Ruff: west of path to 12nd screen. 2 Curlew: west of path to 2nd screen. 15 Fieldfare: west of path...

- Otmoor 16th November
Cetti's Warbler seen and heard from the 2nd screen Hen Harrier (ringtail) Raven (per Paul Greenaway Peter Coombes & Lyn Ebbs) Ringtail (c) P.Coombes...

- Otmoor 14th June
Corncrake still calling from Greenaways at 16:10 (heard only). (per RBA) Corncrake calling (Greenaways) in grass top of path to screens near gate (Right next to rspb blue sign) One lucky birder saw it cross the path into bushes heading towards big Otmoor....

