Otmoor: RSPB 1st April

Otmoor: RSPB 1st April

Garganey (drake) on The Closes this afternoon
Hen Harrier: male. Flew across Greenaways at 19.15.

Steve Roby

No news on the Ferruginous Duck

- Otmoor 9th April
Ferruginous Duck (drake) still Garganey (drake) Sand Martin Chiffchaff 4 singing (per Jamie Coleman)...

- Otmoor 28th March
  Phone-scoped by iphone (c) Paul Wren   Ferruginous Duck (drake) still 14:40 from 2nd screen then flew in to reed beds (per Ewan) 05:50-7:46  2nd screen. Hen Harrier Barn Owl Badger (per Wreny & Steve Roby) Bittern 3 Merlin...

- Otmoor: Rspb Reserve: 17th March
17th March Otmoor: RSPB reserve Hen Harrier: male. over Greenaways, putting up the wildfowl. Otmoor: Rifle Range area 2 Curlew: flying around calling. Steve Roby...

- Otmoor: Rspb Reserve: 27th January
Otmoor: RSPB reserve Hen Harrier: Noted on three occasions around the reserve during the late afternoon. Steve Roby...

- Otmoor 2nd September
Yellow-legged Gull (Ashgrave) Greenshank 2 (Ashgrave) Redshank 2 (Ashgrave) Ruff (Ashgrave) Snipe c30 Green Sandpiper 11+ (10 1st Scn) Garganey (per RBA) Mandarin prob f (Ashgrave) Wigeon 6 Shoveler c20 Teal c20 Water Rail (1st scn) Sprawk Hobby 2 (Steve...

