Otmoor: 4th April

Otmoor: 4th April

Black-wit courtesey of Peter Coombes

Black-tailed Godwit: Big Otmoor.
150 Golden Plover
Sedge Warbler
2 Blackcap
150 Sand Martin: 150 plus.
2 Swallow
Willow Warbler

Peter Coombes

- Otmoor: 22nd April
22nd April Otmoor 3 Black-tailed Godwit 08:30. Black Tern: From first scene. 10:00. Sedge Warbler 10:00. 3 Blackcap 10:00. Reed Warbler 10:00. Jim Hutchins...

- Otmoor 14th April
Little Ringed Plover 2 Ruff Dunlin Grasshopper Warbler (Reedbed) Reed Warbler Sedge Warbler Willow Warbler Chiffchaff Blackcap Swallow Sand Martin House Martin Sparrowhawk (per Barry Batchelor, Terry Tossell & RSPB Otmoor) ...

- Otmoor: 19th February
5 Black-tailed Godwit: Big Otmoor. Curlew: Greenaways. 15 Dunlin: Big Otmoor. 4 Ruff: Big Otmoor. Hen Harrier: Reedbed. Chiffchaff Peregrine Peter Coombes Great spotted Woodpecker courtesey of Peter Coombes...

- Otmoor 20th September
Ruff Dunlin Green Sandpiper 4 Black-tailed Godwit 2 (per Peter Coombes) Merlin Ashgrave (per Peter Coombes) Whinchat 1 (Noke) Wheatear 3 Yellow Wagtail 3...

- Radley Gp's
Black tailed Godwit 1m L.l.islandica Bar tailed Godwit 1m Little Ringed Plover 1 Common Redshank 1 Lapwing 3 Common Tern 2 White Wagtail 1 Yellow Wagtail 1 Sand Martin/Swallow/Garden Warbler/Blackcap/Common Whitethroat/Sedge Warbler/Willow Warbler/Common...

