Otmoor: 31st October

Otmoor: 31st October

Peregrine: Hunting over Ashgrave.
Lesser Redpoll: Car Park.
Marsh Tit: On Feeders.
10 Snipe

Peter Coombes

The Otmoor Blogger

Photo Lesser Redpoll

- Hinksey Park 19th Jan 08:35 & 09:05
Common Redpoll - 1 showed well with 7 Lesser Redpoll and 17 goldfinch on private feeders. Lost to view at 09:15 and no sign by 11:20 at least. Bird also frequents birch trees by the tennis courts. Common Redpoll showed well on private feeders around...

- Otmoor: 23rd November
Otmoor 3 Chiffchaff: 3Chiffchaffs along bridleway to right of cattle pens. 9 Golden Plover: Flying over Big Otmoor. Lesser Redpoll Peregrine 2 Stonechat Pintail Peter Coombes ...

Otmoor this evening (per Oz) Starling roost tonight Circa 15000 birds two Hen Harriers Two Sparrowhawks one Red Kite Whooper Swan Greenaways this morning only Also Goosander: fm. 2nd screen. 2 Hen Harrier: juvs. Peregrine 4 Siskin 15 Lesser Redpoll 30...

- Otmoor 15th October
Chiffchaff 11 Goldcrest 8 Lesser Redpoll 4 Siskin 5 Redwing 3 Yellow Wagtail: Over. Stonechat Treecreeper Peter Coombes The Otmoor Blogger...

- Otmoor: Rspb Reserve: 21st March
White-fronted Goose: on Ashgrave with Greylags. Curlew: est 3-4 birds on Greenaways. Redshank: several to-ing and fro-ing. 2 Little Egret Lesser Redpoll Peter Law Otmoor Birding...

