Otmoor: 23rd November

Otmoor: 23rd November

3 Chiffchaff: 3Chiffchaffs along bridleway to right of cattle pens.
9 Golden Plover: Flying over Big Otmoor.
Lesser Redpoll
2 Stonechat

Peter Coombes

- Otmoor: 3rd February
Otmoor 6 Ruff: Greenaways. 3000 Golden Plover: 3000 plus. Peregrine: Greenaways. 3 Stonechat 125 Pintail: Big Otmoor and Greenaways. 11 Snipe 40 Pochard: 2nd screen. Peter Coombes...

- Otmoor 21st December
2 Bearded Tit In front of 1st screen. 2 Hen Harrier: 1m 1f. Female over Ashgrave. Male from 2nd screen. 4 Chiffchaff 600+ Golden Plover on greenaways. 5 Stonechat Waxwing Otmoor lane. Just before Farm entrance with flock of fieldfare. 11 Pintail: male....

- Otmoor 14th November>
C. 1000 Lapwing 8 Little Egret 1 Raven 23 Golden Plover. Paul Greenaway  3 Bearded Tit 2nd screen. 3 Chiffchaff 2 in car park field. Another near RSPb hut. 2 Peregrine One on ground (Big Otmoor) 2nd bird flying between the screens. Peter...

- Otmoor 15th October
Chiffchaff 11 Goldcrest 8 Lesser Redpoll 4 Siskin 5 Redwing 3 Yellow Wagtail: Over. Stonechat Treecreeper Peter Coombes The Otmoor Blogger...

- Otmoor 1st October
Golden Plover over Otmoor (c) Peter Coombes 28 Golden Plover (Over Heading for big Otmoor) 2 Siskin (In with mixed Gold and Green finch flock. On path just before feeders Early a:m) Hobby Ringed Plover (flying over from 2nd screen direction then dropping...

