Otmoor: 3rd February

Otmoor: 3rd February

6 Ruff: Greenaways.
3000 Golden Plover: 3000 plus.
Peregrine: Greenaways.
3 Stonechat
125 Pintail: Big Otmoor and Greenaways.
11 Snipe
40 Pochard: 2nd screen.

Peter Coombes

- Otmoor.a.m. 18th March.
1  Marsh Harrier (Reedbeds) 1 Sparrowhawk (Greenaways) 20+ Snipe (Greenaways, one Snipe drumming) 2 Curlew (Greenaways) 10+ Dunlin (Big Otmoor) 10+ Chiffchaff 2 Oystercatchers (Big Otmoor) 1 Peregrine (Greenaways) 19 Redshank (Noke Sides). 1 Cetti's...

- Otmoor 24th February
c.12 Common gulls were seen over the reserve with around 50 Black-headed gulls, seen twice over Ashgrave at 1:30-2:00.Still around 3000 Golden plover (Ashgrave and Greenaways). Pintail 8 (Greenaways).1 Marsh Harrier (Reedbeds) 35+ Snipe (Reedbeds)...

- Otmoor 21st December
2 Bearded Tit In front of 1st screen. 2 Hen Harrier: 1m 1f. Female over Ashgrave. Male from 2nd screen. 4 Chiffchaff 600+ Golden Plover on greenaways. 5 Stonechat Waxwing Otmoor lane. Just before Farm entrance with flock of fieldfare. 11 Pintail: male....

- Rspb Otmoor Webs 17th December
Total counts from the December WeBS. The breakdown of numbers in each field are also shown: Little egret 4 (2 Ashgrave, 2 Closes)Grey Heron 7 (2 Malt Pit, 2 Big Otmoor, 2 Greenaways, 1 Ashgrave) Mute swan 22 (5 Flood, 7 Malt Pit, 4 Big Otmoor, 4 Greenaways,...

- Otmoor 30th November
Ringtail (c) Peter Coombes Hen Harrier Over reed bed. 60 Golden Plover 25 birds on far side of Greenaways. A further flock of 35 plus landing on flood field behind Greenaways. Peregrine: Big otmoor. Kingfisher: 2nd screen. 46 Snipe (Peter Coombes) The...

