Otmoor: 10th October

Otmoor: 10th October

2 Siskin
10 Snipe
15 Goldcrest: 15 plus.

Peter Coombes The Otmoor Blogger

- Otmoor: 12th November
Peregrine 100 Snipe: Flying from Closes then split into smaller groups and continued to fly around Greenaways. 10 Yellowhammer: In bushes behind the hide. 7 Stonechat Chiffchaff 150+ Fieldfare 5 Redwing 4 Buzzard 6 Goldcrest Peter Coombes The Otmoor Blogger...

- Otmoor 18th March
300 Fieldfare: 300 + Otmoor lane. Hen Harrier 2 fem (& male per Wayne Bull) Merlin: male. 8 Curlew Redshank 4 Ruff 120 Golden Plover: 120. Raven Chiffchaff Pintail: 3 m 1 fm. 30 Snipe Peter Coombes The Otmoor Blogger Looking more December...

- Otmoor 29th November
7 Golden Plover: over. Bittern Flying in front of 1st screen (per Jack). Hen Harrier: Big Otmoor. 2 Lesser Redpoll Siskin: Flying Greenaways. Peregrine Peter Coombes The Otmoor Blogger...

- Otmoor 1st October
Golden Plover over Otmoor (c) Peter Coombes 28 Golden Plover (Over Heading for big Otmoor) 2 Siskin (In with mixed Gold and Green finch flock. On path just before feeders Early a:m) Hobby Ringed Plover (flying over from 2nd screen direction then dropping...

- Otmoor: 30th July
Otmoor Cuckoo: juv. Spectacular views of juvenile being fed by Reed Warblers. Turtle Dove: On wires near carpark. Grasshopper Warbler Raven: Big Otmoor. Peter Coombes See also Peter's great new blog: The Otmoor Blogger Gnome...

