Osprey Farmoor 11th April

Osprey Farmoor 11th April

Osprey at Farmoor fishing on F2 around 16:30. It then proceeded to eat the fish on one of the nearby pylons for about 5mins before continuing.

photo (c) Nic Hallam more pictures at

- Radley 29th September

- Osprey At Farmoor 9th Sept
Pete Styles took these superb pictures of a ringed Osprey at Farmoor this afternoon. (c) http://www.petestyles.co.uk/...

- Farmoor 9th April
5 Little Gull (8:20am per Dai) 2 Common Tern http://farmoorbirding.blogspot.com/...

- Osprey 3rd April
Farmoor Reservoir: Farmoor I Osprey Flew over works, around F1 and off to the north west. 3 Little Gull: 2 1st Summer + 1 Adult. Jeremy Dexter...

- Goingbirding: 20th February
Farmoor Reservoir 2 Little Gull (ad) 2 Ringed Plover Scaup (f) Nicholas Hallam http://www.farmoor-birding.com/...

