Farmoor 9th April

Farmoor 9th April

5 Little Gull (8:20am per Dai)
2 Common Tern

- Farmoor: White-winged Black Tern Still Present
The WW Black-Tern is still this evening on F1 +Arctic Tern & Knot Still present on F1 13:00. Still present at 13:45 (per RBA) +4 Black Terns +Black necked Grebe still (per Sydney Penner) Farmoor Reservoir: Farmoor I 2 Common Sandpiper Mark Merritt...

- Osprey Farmoor 11th April
Osprey at Farmoor fishing on F2 around 16:30. It then proceeded to eat the fish on one of the nearby pylons for about 5mins before continuing. photo (c) Nic Hallam more pictures at

- Farmoor 6th April Late P.m
3 Little Gull (1 ad 2 1s) Med Gull (1w per Nic) Slav still 4+ Yellow Wagtail 10-15 White Wagtail more at

- Farmoor 29th March
Knot (on causeway) +Little Gull More at the fantastic new Farmoor site Slavonian Grebe Garganey Dunlin 3 Redshank Shelduck (Flyover) (Sydney Penner) The Knot (c) Pete Styles The Garganey (c) B.B. ...

- Bonaparte's Gull
May 2000 Bonaparte's Gull (c) George Reszetter April 2009 (c) Nic Hallam All Sightings of Bonaparte's Gull in Oxon 2009 Farmoor Reservoir, 11th-18th April. 2007 Farmoor Reservoir, 1st-summer, 1st to 9th May. (British Birds 100: plate 158);...

