Nesting Blackbird

Nesting Blackbird

Blackbird nest with four eggs - Kingston Lyle Garden.
Flock of c. 230 Fieldfare White Horse Hill car park.
Barry Hudson.

- Kingston Lisle 30th May
Courtesy of Barry Hudson                                Spotted Flycatcher 4 in private Garden (per Barry Hudson)                  ...

- Redwings 14th October
Courtesy of Paul Chandler more at Cholsey Wildlife                                Redwing 120 Middleton Cheney (M.H)               ...

- Dix Pit March 15
White Wagtail 1 [in with flock of 35 Pied Wagtail] Meadow Pipit flock of 30 Some of the nesting Cormorants on the island have young now two thirds grown...

- Cholsey 17th Dec
5 Common Snipe18 Yellowhammer3 Meadow Pipit Winter Thrush numbers down. Appear to be scattered around the area but no more than 50-60 of Fieldfare & Redwing seen. Also 1 Mistle Thrush, 20+ Blackbird and c 10 Song Thrush.small flock of (5-6) Siskin...

- Cholsey 26th Nov
♀ Merlin 1 Kestrel 18 Golden Plover 1 Lapwing 1 Common Snipe 12 Yellowhammer 2 Bullfinch several Siskin overhead 200+ each of Redwing & Fieldfare 10 Skylark 3 Reed Bunting 1 Great-spot A few each of Song & Mistle Thrush. c20 Blackbird Good nos...

