Middleton Cheney: 21st October
Middleton CheneyProbable Hawfinch: Flew along line of hedge along footpath towards Warkworth.
Michael Hunt
Barford St. Michael: 13th January
Barford St. Michael Hawfinch: Over calling. 2 Tree Sparrow Michael Hunt...
Redwings 14th October
Courtesy of Paul Chandler more at Cholsey Wildlife Redwing 120 Middleton Cheney (M.H) ...
Kingsmere Pools
Pools near the Middleton Stoney Road on the new Kingsmere Estate Kingfisher 1 Little Egret 1 Green Sandpiper 1...
Banbury: 19th March
Banbury Peregrine: Ovet Middleton rd. Michael Hunt...
Alkerton: 16th January
Great Grey Shrike on roadside hedge nr old quarry. Michael Hunt...