Barford St. Michael: 13th January

Barford St. Michael: 13th January

Barford St. Michael
Hawfinch: Over calling.
2 Tree Sparrow

Michael Hunt

- Otmoor: Rspb Reserve: 28th January
28th January Otmoor: RSPB reserve Brambling 15:10. Marsh Harrier 15:50. Michael Hunt...

- Middleton Cheney: 21st October
Middleton Cheney Probable Hawfinch: Flew along line of hedge along footpath towards Warkworth. Michael Hunt...

- Islip: 9th June
Cuckoo (Michael Hunt) South Leigh Cuckoo Also calling all over the weekend. (Richard Catling)...

- North Newington: 9th May
North Newington Cuckoo: calling. Michael Hunt...

- Balscote: Balscote Quarry: 30th April
Balscote: Balscote Quarry Dotterel: with3 golden plovers.  Corn Bunting: singing. 2 Tree Sparrow Michael Hunt Between 16:30 & 17:00 Whimbrel 1 Little Ringed Plover 1 Lapwing 2 Northern Wheatear 4 Yellow Wagtail 2 Tree Sparrow 7 no sign of the...

