Linkey Down 5th April

Linkey Down 5th April

Rouzel Linkey Down 5th April (c) T.S

Ring Ouzel still 18:18 (per Andy Last)
present 14:52 (per Peter Law)
female near the 2nd gate off main path down the valley 08:20 (per Ewan)

A remarkably tame individual (for a Ring Ouzel anyway) showing from 11:00-13:30 at least on both sides of footpath, though favouring south side, especially bushes around SU726963. SU726963.

(per Alex Berryman)

About here

(c) Alex Berryman

- Linkey Down 22nd April
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- Linkey Down 21st April
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- Otmoor: 26th June
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- Linky Down 10th April
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- Linkey Down 8th April
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