Linkey Down 15th April

Linkey Down 15th April

Ring Ouzel still at Linkey 10:00a.m (inc the white headed bird still)
1+Redstart (male)
2 Wheatear

About here

- Linkey Down 22nd April
Female Ring Ouzel still present at Linkey Down at 7:30 am this morning (RBA)...

- Linkey Down 21st April
1 female Ring Ouzel still at Linkey Down at 8:35 am Steve Jennings & Paul Jepson...

- Aston Rowant 21st October
Ring Ouzel 2 on Linkey Down at 11:30am though elusive (per RBA)...

- Linky Down 10th April
4 Ring Ouzel Linkey Down at midday (per RBA) 4 Still present (3m) at 6.15p.m (per RBA)...

- Goingbirding: 6th April
Linky Down Ring Ouzel: The bird showed up after quite a long wait: feeding on ground, sulking in a tree, then eating juniper berries. Brilliant views!. Steve Goddard Photo:last weeks Linkey Rouzels Badger....

