GoingBirding: 6th April

GoingBirding: 6th April

Linky Down Ring Ouzel: The bird showed up after quite a long wait: feeding on ground, sulking in a tree, then eating juniper berries. Brilliant views!. Steve Goddard

Photo:last weeks Linkey Rouzels Badger.

- Linky Down 14th April
3 Ring Ouzel still showing well this evening (per RBA) 4 Ring Ouzel still present in valley at 4.30pm. 16:30 (per Barry Batchelor) 5 Ring Ouzel In the valley bottom and all together. 12:00 +3 Wheatear (per John Edwards) 5 still present at 11:11 (per...

- Bodicote: 18th October
Bodicote Ring Ouzel: fem. Feeding on yew berries at Council offices. Tony Crisp...

- Marcham Garden
Blackcap male feeding on Ivy berries and fat balls each day of April, along with Redpolls (including one Mealy?) on Nyger seed. These are STILL the wintering birds, whilst the first Blackbird nestling corpse has also turned up on the ground. What next...

- Linky Down: 24th April
Linky Down 3 Ring Ouzel Tom Coyne 3 Ring Ouzel (1m 2f) still present to 17:30. Also 1 male Wheatear and 2 Red-legged Partridge Phil Chapman...

- Waxwings 24th December
c.70 Waxwings behind the Hobgoblin pub, opposite Tesco on Cowley Road (per Bird Guides) 20+ Waxwings still opposite BMW Mini plant at Cowley at 09:45 (per Bird Guides) There were 30-40 Waxwings feeding on berries in the Peachcroft shopping centre car...

