Bodicote: 18th October

Bodicote: 18th October

Ring Ouzel: fem. Feeding on yew berries at Council offices.

Tony Crisp

- Linky Down 15th April
Ring Ouzel 6 still at 18:00 (per Oz, Colin Oram & Andrew Callender) Ring Ouzel 7 (5 male) at 2 pm (Adam Bassett) Ring Ouzel 6 (4 male + 2 fem) 09:00. (J Dexter)...

- Linky Down 14th April
3 Ring Ouzel still showing well this evening (per RBA) 4 Ring Ouzel still present in valley at 4.30pm. 16:30 (per Barry Batchelor) 5 Ring Ouzel In the valley bottom and all together. 12:00 +3 Wheatear (per John Edwards) 5 still present at 11:11 (per...

- Goingbirding: 6th April
Linky Down Ring Ouzel: The bird showed up after quite a long wait: feeding on ground, sulking in a tree, then eating juniper berries. Brilliant views!. Steve Goddard Photo:last weeks Linkey Rouzels Badger....

- Waxwings 4th February
17 Waxwings Southmoor, Lime Grove, in birch tree feeding on berries in nearby garden at 10.30a.m. (per John Melling Oxonbirds) 60+ Waxwings feeding on berries briefly in Lewin Close near cowley centre at 11.30 a.m then flew over towards beauchamp lane....

- Waxwings - Bodicote, 11th Dec
There are 21 Waxwings this morning in Bodicote (which is just south of Banbury). I first saw them on Molyneux Drive and Weeping Cross but they have since become very mobile....

