Lesser Spotted Woodpecker - Milcombe

Lesser Spotted Woodpecker - Milcombe

Lesser spotted woodpecker (male) seen twice in Milcombe on 5th and 12th
October. Between the small holding and oak View Farm, on the Bloxham road. Flew
across the road from railwayline direction into road side tree. Close to SP 417
348 (per Mary Clifton, Banburybirds Yahoo email group).

- Lark Hill 24th October
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker - flew SE out of small wood by Lark Hill Farm Whinchat White Wagtail Wheatear Reed Bunting 2 Corn Bunting ...

- Cothill Fen: 03/03/2013
Male Lesser Spotted Woodpecker Also; Great Spotted Woodpecker (4) Green Woodpecker (2) Redwing (c.35) Nuthatch Treecreeper Reed Bunting (4) Kestrel (m) ..and a very close encounter with 15 or so long-tailed tits who seemed to accept me as part of the...

- Otmoor 9th January
A Lesser Spotted Woodpecker (male) Was seen in the tree by the feeders today. Worth checking the Roman road oaks and those along the bridleway. Bark Otmoor Birding...

- Grove 6th October
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker again at 1615; no luck with Stephen along Cow Lane, but heard calling along road that heads to Denchworth, in bushes at west end of first meadow past the cemetery....

- Cowleaze Woods March 24
Common Crossbill 5 Lesser Redpoll 11 Siskin 3 Marsh Tit 2 Tree Creeper 1 Nuthatch 3 Great Spotted Woodpecker 1 Green Woodpecker 1...

