Otmoor 9th January

Otmoor 9th January

A Lesser Spotted Woodpecker (male)
Was seen in the tree by the feeders today.
Worth checking the Roman road oaks and those along the bridleway.

Otmoor Birding

- Otmoor 9th June A.m.
Quail calling briefly on Closes early this morning. Garganey (m) Turtle Dove 3+ (per Bark)  Otmoor Birding Grasshopper Warbler reeling from c/p field Garden Warbler 2 Cuckoo Downy Emerald Roman Road Downy Emerald Broad-bodied Chaser 3 f Four-spotted...

- Cothill Fen: 03/03/2013
Male Lesser Spotted Woodpecker Also; Great Spotted Woodpecker (4) Green Woodpecker (2) Redwing (c.35) Nuthatch Treecreeper Reed Bunting (4) Kestrel (m) ..and a very close encounter with 15 or so long-tailed tits who seemed to accept me as part of the...

- Otmoor 3rd September
Evening Wood Sandpiper Green Sandpiper 12+ Ruff Dunlin Redshank 2 Snipe 20+ Garganey Wheatear 3 (Badger) Poss Gannet imm flew S/E over Otmoor RSPB 08:20 (per Paul Greenaway) Water Rail 2 (1 juv) Green Sandpiper 2 Long Meadow 2 Redstart: 1m 1f type. Minimum...

- Cowleaze Woods March 24
Common Crossbill 5 Lesser Redpoll 11 Siskin 3 Marsh Tit 2 Tree Creeper 1 Nuthatch 3 Great Spotted Woodpecker 1 Green Woodpecker 1...

- Lesser Pecker Shotover 12th March
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker this morning 8:40am near 'The Avenue' at Shotover. The 'Avenue' is at the end of Littleworth Road in Wheatley. Park near the gatehouse and follow the wide track flanked on either side by tall trees. +Great Spotted...

