Knollend Down: 12th February

Knollend Down: 12th February

Knollend Down
5 Grey Partridge

Mark Merritt

- East Hendred Downs: 7th February
3 Grey Partridge 1 Stonechat Mark Merritt...

- Chimney: Chimney Meadows: 5th May
Chimney: Chimney Meadows 2 Grey Partridge Grey Wagtail: m. 4 Grasshopper Warbler: At least. 3 Curlew Cuckoo Barn Owl Mark Merritt...

- Knollend Down: 1st July
Knollend Down 4 Corn Bunting Mark Merritt...

- Oxon Downs 8th April
Ridgeway Down and Wether Down 2 Corn Bunting: Singing male. SU4384. Ridgeway Down and Wether Down 2 Grey Partridge: SU4384. West Ginge Down 4 Grey Partridge: 2 pairs. Mark Merritt...

- West Ginge: West Ginge Down: 4th September
West Ginge: West Ginge Down 2 Raven 10 Grey Partridge: ...also double-figure counts of Buzzard, Red Kite, Goldfinch, Linnet, Red-Legged Partridge & Swallow. Mark Merritt...

