West Ginge: West Ginge Down: 4th September

West Ginge: West Ginge Down: 4th September

West Ginge: West Ginge Down
2 Raven
10 Grey Partridge: ...also double-figure counts of Buzzard, Red Kite, Goldfinch, Linnet, Red-Legged Partridge & Swallow.

Mark Merritt

- Devil's Punchbowl: 25th November
Devil's Punchbowl Greenshank: Over to South-West. Quite a double take when I heard the call!. Mark Merritt...

- Otmoor: 3rd April
32 Dunlin: west of path to 2nd screen. 2 Golden Plover: males in summer plummage. west of path to 2nd screen. 3 Redshank: west of path to 2nd screen. 2 Ruff: west of path to 12nd screen. 2 Curlew: west of path to 2nd screen. 15 Fieldfare: west of path...

- Oxon Downs 8th April
Ridgeway Down and Wether Down 2 Corn Bunting: Singing male. SU4384. Ridgeway Down and Wether Down 2 Grey Partridge: SU4384. West Ginge Down 4 Grey Partridge: 2 pairs. Mark Merritt...

- West Ginge: West Ginge Down: 17th July
Kilman Knoll Down 3 Corn Bunting: 2 singing males. SU4583. Quail West Ginge Down 2 Corn Bunting: 2 singing males. Gavin Paterson...

- Goingbirding: 28th March
West Ilsley: Ridgeway 5 Corn Bunting 3 Grey Partridge 3 Raven Jon Kent ...

