Grimsbury Reservoir: 6th September

Grimsbury Reservoir: 6th September

Probable Pied Flycatcher f or juv. In with the woodland with the roving tit flock. Pretty sure but only had brief and poor views. I will try to go back later to have another look for it.
2 Spotted Flycatcher: In the woodland wiith the roving tit flock.
Willow Tit: With the roving tit flock - also 3+ Coal tits, several Chiffchaff, 2+ Willow warbler, 2 Blackcap, Treecreeper and Goldcrest.
39 Sand Martin: Over the reservoir with 6 Swallows and 3 House Martin.

Gareth Blockley

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 21st September
Grimsbury Reservoir Dunlin Wheatear 5 Yellow Wagtail Spotted Flycatcher: In wood with tit/warbler flock. Gareth Blockley...

- Port Meadow: 21st August
Port Meadow Spotted Flycatcher: Along the Castle Mill Stream with roving feeding flock. Adam Hartley...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 2nd September
Grimsbury Reservoir 2 Redstart: 1 female (also seen by Clive Payne) at northern end of cattle field seen on fence and along ditch but disapears into wood when disturbed. 1 male (seen by CP) in scrub between the res and the wood. Lapwing: Flew over west....

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 26th August
Grimsbury Reservoir Common Sandpiper Little Ringed Plover: juv. Willow Tit: in wood with roving tit flock. Spotted Flycatcher: in wood with roving tit flock. Green Sandpiper: on newly created pool along the canal. Yellow-legged Gull: juv. on newly...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 4th September
Grimsbury Reservoir Willow Tit: This one bird seems to be regular at the moment and could be a target to some of you in the county. It is not very local but all three sightings this week it was with a large roving tit flock that is mailny Long-tailed...

