Grimsbury Reservoir: 29th December

Grimsbury Reservoir: 29th December

Grimsbury Reservoir
2 Chiffchaff: One typical collybita and one that is 'different', both seen well together to make comparisons of plumage and call. The 'different' bird was paler and greyer, almost white below and grey-brown above, none of the warm buff colouring and only a bit of yellow plumage on the wing that I could see. The 'different' bird didn't call while I was watching it but after it recently flew out of view I did here some 'peeep' type calls, obviously different to the standard 'huueet'.

Banbury: Spital Farm Lake
4 Chiffchaff: 4 at least.

Gareth Blockley

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 14th December
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- Grimsbury Reservoir: 20th November
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- Abingdon Sewage Farm: 22nd January
Siberian Chiffchaff Possibly 2. One brilliant grey and white bird that called several times. A second good looking pale bird seen briefly, but did not call. 15 Chiffchaff: At least 15 seen (several singing), with a few more heard singing in the distance....

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 16th March
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- Banbury: 13th October
13th October Banbury Redwing: A few calls heard going over in c. 5 mins from my flat. 14th October Grimsbury Reservoir Hawfinch Over north west. Picked up on call (3 pzik calls) then seen very well from underneath as it passed overhead and could see...

