Great Grey Shrike 13th March

Great Grey Shrike 13th March

Great Grey Shrike Oxon/Bucks 8.5mls west of Buckingham between Westbury &
Fulwell at 4.30p.m then flew west SP.628.344
(per R.B.A)

- Farmoor Reservoir 24th January
Great Northern Diver 2 F1 Snow Geese 40 roving feral flock 12:45 F2 then flew west. Little Owl (Shrike Meadow) Stonechat (per Dave Lowe)...

- Monday 23rd: Chilton Downs, South Oxon.
Great Grey Shrike. The wintering Bury Down/Cow Down bird was north of the Ridgeway, just in Oxon at Grims Ditch at lunch time. Great-grey Shrike courtesy of The Gun-Slinger ...

- East Hendred 5th April
Great Grey Shrike 2/3 mile west of Bury Down car park by gallops 14:00 Short-eared Owl 2 (per RBA)...

- Cholsey: Cholsey Marsh Nature Reserve: 22nd November
Cholsey: Cholsey Marsh Nature Reserve Great Grey Shrike: think it was a lesser grey shrike. I have a photograph. 15:00. Mark Fox...

- Great Grey Shrike At Appleford
Although the bird was looked for all day yesterday with no joy, my brother photographed it on his neighbours aerial late afternoon before it flew back to the west side of the railway. So it's still around but probably ranging widely. Great Grey Shrike...

