Great Grey Shrike at Appleford

Great Grey Shrike at Appleford

Although the bird was looked for all day yesterday with no joy, my brother photographed it on his neighbours aerial late afternoon before it flew back to the west side of the railway. So it's still around but probably ranging widely.

Great Grey Shrike still Appleford this morning (per R.B.A)

- Monday 23rd: Chilton Downs, South Oxon.
Great Grey Shrike. The wintering Bury Down/Cow Down bird was north of the Ridgeway, just in Oxon at Grims Ditch at lunch time. Great-grey Shrike courtesy of The Gun-Slinger ...

- Balscote Quarry 21st January
Great Grey Shrike Balcote Quarry Reserve late morning then flew towards the disused quarry near Alkerton....

- Balscote Quarry 13th November
Great Grey Shrike recorded in the log book this morning (3/4 hedges back from the reserve), but no sign early afternoon also 53 Common Snipe ...

- Balscote Quarry: 29th October
Great Grey Shrike - late afternoon (per Roger Evans)...

- Great Grey Shrike: Cholsey
Great Grey Shrikeagain on the Cholsey side of the Thames at Cholsey marsh late this afternoon but distant as usual, seen from Ferry rd. Also ranging on the "Stoke" side of the Thames. Most impressive though was a count of 387 Corn Buntings that came...

