Farmoor Roost 24th March

Farmoor Roost 24th March

Iceland Gull (2nd winter).
5 Little Gulls (all Ad winter).
2 Mediterranean Gulls (both Ad summer).

- Farmoor - 25th March
F.2 Roost: First winter Caspian Gull (different to last weeks bird). Juvenile Iceland Gull. 2 adult Little Gulls on F2 @ 16.45. ...

- Farmoor Roost
1 Little Gull (adult winter) 3 Mediterranean Gulls (all adult summer)...

- Appleford 25th January
In the gull roost on the large field adjacent to the level crossing. Caspian Gull 1 first winter Iceland Gull 1 first winter Herring Gulls  both L.a. argentatus and argenteus also nearby Grey Partridge 10 ...

- Farmoor 26th July
66 Yellow-legged Gulls counted on F.1 this evening + 2 juvenile Mediterranean Gulls.  The  second summer Mediterranean Gull (2XA5) seen last week was ringed at Sandycove, County Dublin in November 2011. It wintered in southern Portugal and...

- Farmoor 22nd March
Adult Little Gull this afternoon plus 3 Mediterranean Gulls (1st winter, 2nd summer & adult)....

