Appleford 25th January

Appleford 25th January

In the gull roost on the large field adjacent to the level crossing.

Caspian Gull 1 first winter
Iceland Gull 1 first winter
Herring Gulls  both L.a. argentatus and argenteus

also nearby

Grey Partridge 10

- Didcot Landfill - 15th November
Didcot Landfill (no general access): Caspian Gull  2, 1st w and 2nd w Yellow-legged Gull  4                                            ...

- Farmoor - Sunday Roost
4.50-6.30pm. Light not good for distinguishing gulls (sharp light plus some initial air shimmer over water). Very noticeable increase in large gull numbers, since last few visits and large gulls still arriving at 6.25. Med Gull 1 adult seen when it flew...

- White-winged Gulls
For those seeking these and possibly confused by the use of the words 'Sutton Courtenay'; I am assuming (please correct me if wrong) this is the place; where I too have viewed Iceland Gull from. Between the named 'APPLEFORD Railway Level-crossing'...

- Farmoor: 15th November - Caspian Gull
 This 2nd winter Caspian Gull was a surprise find seeing as there were so few gulls in the roost.                                                             ...

- Appleford 30th January
Caspian Gull (1stw) again in field near Appleford level crossing at 12:40. (per Terry Tossel) Iceland Gull (2ndw) still (per Lew)...

