Farmoor Reservoir 4th April

Farmoor Reservoir 4th April

Red-necked Grebe still on F2 08:45 (per RBA)
Osprey through this morning heading S/W after catching a Trout (per The Wickster)

Osprey courtesy of Mike Kosniowski

- Grimsbury Res 25th Aug
Osprey flew south over the reservoir this morning Greenshank through Spotted Flycatcher 3 Ring-necked Parakeet (per John Friendship-Taylor) Grimsbury Birds...

- Farmoor Reservoir 6th April
Red-necked Grebe along the southern edge of F2 10:29  Osprey flying up the Thames c11:40 Oystercatcher Barn Owl (per Andy Last) Insomniac Birders Farmoor Blog...

- Farmoor Reservoir: Farmoor Ii: 4th April
Farmoor Reservoir: Farmoor II Red-necked Grebe: along south side. 13:00. Farmoor Reservoir: Farmoor I 2 House Martin: with group of c15 sand martins and 10 swallows. 12:20. Farmoor Reservoir: River Thames Barn Owl: hunting over shrike meadow and surrounding...

- Farmoor Reservoir: 30th August
Farmoor Reservoir Osprey: Flew in from the east + circled for about 20 mins hovering a couple of times before being mobbed by gulls and heading off south west. Alan Petherbridge...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 25th August
Osprey over the flood alleviation area slightly North of Grimsbury Reservoir this morning (07:15) heading South.    Tim Clark...

