Farmoor Reservoir 22nd January

Farmoor Reservoir 22nd January

Great Northern Diver 2 (both juvs) still present.

(per Dai)

- Farmoor Res 22nd February
Great northern Diver 2 (both juvs) F1 Goldeneye 8 Curlew Barn Owl Little Owl (per Dai)...

- Farmoor Reservoir 23rd January
Great Northern Diver 2 (both juvs) still on F2 near the sailing club....

- Farmoor Reservoir: Farmoor Ii: 13th January
Farmoor Reservoir: Farmoor II Great Northern Diver: By the Sailing club. 10:00. Farmoor Reservoir: River Thames 2 Goosander: Males. Flew off downstream. 10:00. Stephen Lockey...

- Farmoor Res 17th December
Great Northern Diver 2 (both juvs) still on F2 (per Wayne Bull)....

- Farmoor Reservoir: 5th January
Farmoor Reservoir Slavonian Grebe: Still on f2 fishing along western side moving from northwest to southwest. Great Northern Diver: No sign of the diver, but not ideal conditions!. Gareth Blockley...

