Farmoor Res 17th December

Farmoor Res 17th December

Great Northern Diver 2 (both juvs) still on F2
(per Wayne Bull).

- Farmoor Res 22nd February
Great northern Diver 2 (both juvs) F1 Goldeneye 8 Curlew Barn Owl Little Owl (per Dai)...

- Farmoor 2nd January
Great Northern Diver 2 (both juvs) F1 Greenshank F1 (per Steve Young) Stonechat 2 (per Dai)...

- Farmoor Reservoir 23rd January
Great Northern Diver 2 (both juvs) still on F2 near the sailing club....

- Farmoor 16th December
Great Northern Diver 2 (both juvs) still on F2 in N/E corner and showing well 11:50 (per Roger Wyatt)...

- Farmoor 7th December
Great Northern Diver.  F2.Great Northern Diver (juv) still S/W corner of F2 12:15 (per Tezzer) Grey Phalarope 2 (ad & 1stw) still along northern shore of F1 09:37 Red-necked Grebe F2 (per RBA) Mandarin...

