Farmoor 7th December

Farmoor 7th December

Great Northern Diver.  F2.
Great Northern Diver (juv) still S/W corner of F2 12:15 (per Tezzer)
Grey Phalarope 2 (ad & 1stw) still along northern shore of F1 09:37
Red-necked Grebe F2 (per RBA)
Mandarin (m) (per Dai)
Redshank F2 (per John Gough)

More pictures from Farmoor today on Wayne Bull's Wildlife Blog

Red-necked Grebe courtesy of Kyle Smith

Grey Phalarope courtesy of Mark Chivers

- Farmoor 31st December
 Great Northern Diver (Juv)                                                      ...

- Farmoor 5th December
Great Northern Diver along the southern shore of F2 this morningGrey Phalaropes along the northern shore of F1 late morningBoth pics  (c) Stephen Burch Grey Phalarope 2 still along northern shore...

- Farmoor 1st October
                               1500-1600hrs                                Red necked Grebe...

- Farmoor 11th April
Courtesy of Ian Cavey                                          Red-necked Grebe still on F2 this morning           ...

- Farmoor 23rd August
Great White Egret      From the Pink Hill hide 10:00a.m                                         ...

