Farmoor Reservoir: Lower Whitley Farm: 19th January

Farmoor Reservoir: Lower Whitley Farm: 19th January

Farmoor Reservoir: Lower Whitley Farm
8 Barnacle Goose: (over).
6 Lesser Redpoll

Peter Law

- Farmoor Reservoir: Farmoor Ii: 4th April
Farmoor Reservoir: Farmoor II Red-necked Grebe: along south side. 13:00. Farmoor Reservoir: Farmoor I 2 House Martin: with group of c15 sand martins and 10 swallows. 12:20. Farmoor Reservoir: River Thames Barn Owl: hunting over shrike meadow and surrounding...

- Otmoor 8th September.
1 Marsh Harrier 1 Sparrowhawk 2 Hobby 1 Bittern a.m (flying) 16:12 1st scn (per RL) 1 Green Sandpiper 1 Little Stint 1st scn (Badger) 1 Common Sandpiper 20+ Snipe 1 Barn Owl (reported, car park field). 1 Whinchat (Lower Farm Noke) 1 Stonechat (Lower...

- Farmoor. 29th October.
Great Skua arrived on F2 late afternoon killed and ate a Lesser black backed Gull.Still present at dusk. The reservoir doesn't open until 08:00 but F2 is viewable from the perimeter fence accessed from the single track Lower Whitley...

- Farmoor Reservoir: 17th January
17th January Farmoor Reservoir Great Northern Diver: still on F2. Bar-headed Goose: no sign of WF Goose across Thames from Shrike Meadow. Common Sandpiper: at W end of causeway. Peter Law...

- South Leigh 17th November
Great Grey Shrike this afternoon along the track between South Leigh and Lower Farm. No parking on the road to Lower Farm. Approx location SP410 085 (per Sally) ...

