Farmoor Res 16th May 15:30
Black-throated Diver ad Sum plum still on F1 15:30
(per RBA)Sanderling 2
Courtesy of Mark Chivers
The Early Birder |
Farmoor Res 21st May
courtesy of Derek LeesBlack-throated Diver ad sum plum F2 16:05 Arctic Tern (per RBA)...
Farmoor Res 20th May
Black-throated Diver still present in N/W corner of F2 20:02 (per RBA). Sanderling 2 along causeway (per RBA)....
Farmoor Res 18th May 15:45
Black-throated Diver still on F2 opposite Shrike Meadow Hide. 15:45 (per RBA) Sanderling (a.m) Whimbrel (a.m)...
Farmoor: 15th May Evening
Black-throated Diver Still present F1 then F2 close to the causeway. 20:10 (per Simon Ramm) There are some concerns to the health of the diver. Evening 1 Dunlin 1 Sanderling 1 Ringed Plover + 1 unwell looking B T Diver Ringed Plover (c) Stephen Burch...
Farmoor 14th May
Courtesy of Peter Law Black-throated Diver ad summer plumage present on F1 18:56 Found by Dai John this morning (per Mark Merritt Dave Lowe et al) Gates open tomorrow at 08:00 Also, 2 Sanderling Dunlin Yellow Wagtail Photos courtesy of Lew Murky...