Farmoor late morning March 18

Farmoor late morning March 18

Goshawk 2
A female seen over the pylons and then a male approx 45 minutes later in the same vicinity
Red Kite 4+
Common Buzzard 6+
Common Kestrel 2
Raven 1
Little Gull 1 [adult but without hood on Farmoor 1]
Black Headed Gull 800+
Curlew 1
Common Shelduck 2 [ a pair in amongst the BH Gulls]
Sand Martin 15+
Short-eared Owl (Buckthorn Meadow per Dai)

The Insomniac Birder news from the Res

- Farmoor 4th August
Grasshopper Warbler 1 Dunlin I Whimbrel 1 Common Gull 1 Juvenile Mediterranean Gull 2 both juv Yellow-legged Gull 41+ (per RBA) More Bird news from Farmoor Reservoir The Insomniac Birder ...

- July Round-up
Spotted Flycatcher (c) Andy Last In what is the quietest month in the birding calender July still held a few surprises. The Female Marsh Harrier continued its residency at Otmoor throughout with a male bird seen at Standlake on the 5th. Last months...

- Farmoor Early Pm April 1st
Black Redstart 1 Northern Wheatear 1m Sand Martin 13 Rock Pipit 1 Meadow Pipit 6+ Common Redshank 2 Dunlin 1 Common Sandpiper 1 Little Gull 1 ad winter Black headed Gull 1100+ Common Goldeneye 23 Little Grebe 3 Shrike Meadow Eurasian Wigeon 15 Eurasian...

- Farmoor I March 21
Black Redstart 1 still present at 1200 around the works and viewable from the perimeter track of Farmoor 1. It is in female type plumage which some second calendar year male birds show (see BWP Vol 5 p 693) It was also singing quietly to itself when first...

- Dix Pit March 7
Caspian Gull 1 first winter Yellow legged Gull 6 Intriguingly one of these, a third winter showed a streaked hood and other features very reminiscent of L.m atlantis Herring Gull,Lesser and Greater Black backed Gull, Common Gull and Black Headed Gull...

