Farmoor 9th November
Red-necked Grebe southern end of F2 Slavonian Grebe southern end of F2
(per Dai) The Insomniac Birder
Red-necked Grebe & Mallard photo courtesey of Dai

Farmoor Reservoir 6th April
Red-necked Grebe along the southern edge of F2 10:29 Osprey flying up the Thames c11:40 Oystercatcher Barn Owl (per Andy Last) Insomniac Birders Farmoor Blog...
Farmoor 6th October
Black-necked Grebe courtesey of Dai Black-necked Grebe 2 (D.J) on F2 08:40 still present this afternoon (John Gough) Red-necked Grebe (per Justin) Ringed Plover western end of causeway F1 (per Stephen Akers) Rock Pipit 4 at bottom of the causeway...
Farmoor Reservoir 3rd December
Red-necked Grebe S/W corner of F2 09:20 Sanderling southern end of F2 Redshank 4 Common Sandpiper Dunlin Rock Pipit Stonechat 2 (per Dai & Mark Ribbons) Sanderling photo courtesey of Dai The Insomniac Birder ...
Farmoor 10th November
Slavonian Grebe courtesey of Mark Chivers The Early Birder Red-necked Grebe F2 Slavonian Grebe F2 Redshank (per Carl Rylett) (per Jon Prowse) Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android...
Farmoor. Am. 8th November.
Tufted Duck.Slavonian Grebe. Red Necked Grebe. Both birds still present on southern edge, F2. (Per Dai and T.S.)...