Farmoor. AM. 8th November.

Farmoor. AM. 8th November.

Tufted Duck.
Slavonian Grebe.      
Red Necked Grebe.
Both birds still present on southern edge, F2.

(Per Dai and T.S.)

- Farmoor 1st October
                               1500-1600hrs                                Red necked Grebe...

- Farmoor 11th April
Courtesy of Ian Cavey                                          Red-necked Grebe still on F2 this morning           ...

- Farmoor 2nd November
 Red-necked Grebe still this morning in the S/W corner of F2 near the 'bus shelter' 07:30 (per Andy Last) and still present this afternoon. Long-tailed Duck F1 Slavonian Grebe southern end of F2 Red-necked Grebe photo below courtesey of Andy...

- Farmoor Mid Afternoon 11th December
Freezing fog and much reduced visibility. In the gloom made out the following: Falcated Duck 1 Mallard 324 Gadwall 6 Northern Shoveler 2 Common Pochard 16 Tufted Duck 150+ Common Goldeneye 12 Eurasian Wigeon 11 Common Teal 7 Slavonian Grebe 1 Little Grebe...

- Farmoor 10th December
Falcated Duck still on F1 in N/W corner at 08:35 (per Dai) Still present at dusk  (per Martin Townsend) Also: 5 Egyptian Geese F2 2 Slavonian Grebe F1 3 Scaup F1 1 Common Sandpiper (per Martin Townsend) (c) Terry Sherlock Also LGRE's  counts...

