Farmoor 9th Jan

Farmoor 9th Jan

Great northern diver on south west side of F2 but still distant.
Photo (c) W P Bull.

- Farmoor Res 17th December
Great Northern Diver 2 (both juvs) still on F2 (per Wayne Bull)....

- Farmoor 4th December
Juvenile Great northern Diver please view at 720p HD Grey Phalarope 2 along northern bank of F1 12:00 Great northern Diver (juv) southern bank of F2 still present at dusk Red-necked Grebe F1 north west corner F1 11:00 Please be aware...

- Farmoor Res 24th January
Diver sp (probably Great Northern) over Farmoor c13:40 and may have landed (per Dai)...

- Farmoor Reservoir: 5th January
Farmoor Reservoir Slavonian Grebe: Still on f2 fishing along western side moving from northwest to southwest. Great Northern Diver: No sign of the diver, but not ideal conditions!. Gareth Blockley...

- Farmoor 8th Dec
Great northern Diver (juv) Merlin (f) Med Gull in the roost More info and photo's at the supurb

