Farmoor 8th September

Farmoor 8th September

Black-tailed Godwit
Dunlin 2
Common Sandpiper 2
Hobby 2
Kingfisher 2 F2

(per Tracy Winkworth)

No sign of the Little Stint.

Dunlin & Wheatear photos
courtesy of Tracy Winkworth.

- Farmoor 15th September
Ruff 2Common Sandpiper Yellow-legged Gull (per Tracy Winkworth)Photo courtesy of T.W...

- Farmoor 12th September 2014
1400-1630hrs Ruff 1f Dunlin 1 Black tailed Godwit 1 Yellow Wagtail 8 one flock  Grey Wagtail 2 Swallow 4 Little Grebe 6 no sign of the Little Stint or Greenshank Shrike Meadow/Pinkhill Water Rail 3 Kingfisher 1 Little Egret 1 Hobby 1 Common Redstart...

- Farmoor 7th September
Juvenile Little Stint still on the Farmoor Two side of central Causeway 18:30 (per RBA) Black-tailed Godwit juv Common Sandpiper Dunlin 5 (per John Gough)  Northern Wheatear Yellow Wagtail ...

- Farmoor 8th August
Courtesey of Tracy Winkworth Black Tern 4 09:00 (per Dai) Sent from my iPhone...

- Otmoor 15th May.
Evening Ringed Plover 2 Dunlin 3 Redshank 10+ Hobby Wheatear (c) Paul Greenaway Morning 1 Wheatear (Noke End) 2 Snipe 1 Cuckoo (heard) 1 Black-tailed Godwit 1 Curlew 1 Barn Owl. No sign of Curlew Sandpiper this A.M....

