Farmoor 15th September

Farmoor 15th September

Ruff 2
Common Sandpiper 
Yellow-legged Gull

(per Tracy Winkworth)
Photo courtesy of T.W

- Didcot Landfill - 13th October
At Didcot landfill (no general access): Caspian Gull 2 adults Yellow-legged Gull  12+ Common Gull  2 GBbGull  17                                                ...

- Farmoor 20th September
Little Gull 1 juv Yellow Wagtail 4 Common Gull 5 Yellow-legged Gull 4 Little Gull photo courtesy of Lew...

- Farmoor 31st July
Turnstone at Farmoor today courtesey of Tracy Winkworth ...

- Ringing Recovery (farmoor)
A juvenile Lesser Black Backed Gull that was seen on the causeway at Farmoor on September 8th this year had been ringed at Sprogo in Denmark as a pullus on July 3rd 2012 (yellow ring V5UU). for those interested Sprogo is here about 555 miles to...

- Farmoor 4th Sept
Shag FII (a.m at least) Yellow-legged Gull, Great Black-backed Gull, Ruff juv, Dunlin, 2 Ringed Plover, c4 Yellow Wagtail, Yellow-legged gull (c) Bob Burgess Ruff (c) Bob Burgess ...

