Farmoor 8th Sept

Farmoor 8th Sept

Great Skua c8:10-8:30a.m
Over F2 for approximately 20 mins before flying off.
(per Dai)

White-winged Black Tern still on F1 near the Tern rafts +4 Black Terns
Curlew Sandpiper still along the causeway at 14:30 & Sanderling.
(per RBA)

- Farmoor 19th September
Curlew Sandpiper along causeway Greenshank Ringed Plover 5 13:15 (per Ewan) Redshank Common Tern 2 Black Tern F1 11:50 (per Tezzer) 08:58 (per Dai) Black Tern photo courtesy of Dai The Insomniac Birder ...

- Farmoor Reservoir 9th September
White-winged Black Tern still on F1 Black-necked Grebe off of the causeway on F2 (per Dave Lowe)...

- Farmoor 7th Sept
White-winged Black Tern still on F1 this evening. 1 Curlew Sandpiper (this evening on F2 side of causeway) 1 Wood Sandpiper (prob this morning only) Whimbrel several through the day (per Roger Wyatt) 1 Ruff + several others through (per Roger Wyatt)...

- Farmoor Reservoir: Farmoor I: 25th August
25th August Farmoor Reservoir: Farmoor I 3 Greenshank: on N shore at 15:50. 2 Little Tern: flew in when I was watching other Terns. Seen in same view for size comparison. Black Tern: 1 matched to RW's photo + 2-3 other Terns that I couldn't...

- Farmoor (16:30-17:30)
Black tern - 22 Arctic tern - 2+ Common tern - 8+ Yellow wagtail - 1 m Clearly a day for tern passage at the reservoir, the Black terns were already present when i arrived and were then joined by a mixed flock of about 20 sterna terns that came in low...

