Farmoor 7th April

Farmoor 7th April

Knot along the causeway late afternoon.
Common Sandpiper
6 White Wagtail

(c) The Insomniac Birder

- Farmoor 16th April
Ring Ouzel reported near the zig-zag path to the west of F2 at 16:00 Redstart 2 (both male) Hobby this evening. (per Dai) The Insomniac Birder Farmoor Reservoir Peregrine (per Steve Goddard) Little Gull 11 this evening (per Matt Prior) ...

- Farmoor Reservoir 25th February
Oystercatcher: probing in grass by new 'bus shelter on F2 Knot Dave Godfrey Shelduck 2 Dunlin 3 Common Sandpiper more from the Res at The Insomniac Birder ...

- Farmoor 24th February
Knot still F2 (per RBA) More from the Res at  The Insomniac Birder...

- Farmoor 14th February
Knot (along the causeway) 10:00 (per Dai) still present 12:00 F2 nr bus shelter (per Peter Law) More from the Res at The Insomniac Birder...

- Farmoor 12th February
Caspian Gull (ad) Knot along causeway 08:30  (per Dai) The Insomniac Birder...

