Farmoor 6th April

Farmoor 6th April

4 Little Gulls still this evening.
Mixed flock of several hundred Swallows & Sand Martins with a few House Martins.
2 White Wagtails this morning 1 still present this evening.

(per Terry Tossel)

More from the Res as always at The Insomniac Birder

- Bicester Wetlands, 13th September
Green Sandpiper c7 Snipe at least 11 Green Woodpecker Constant stream of mixed Swallows, Sand Martins & House Martins Clackers & Mrs Clackers...

- Rushey Common Area, 9th June
many Swifts and Sand Martins all morning-several 100 of each later joined by a few Swallows and c150 House Martins Oystercatchers 4 + 1 juv Cuckoo Red Kites 8 Ringed Plover Little Egret 3 Clackers...

- Otmoor 17th April
3 grasshopper warblers. Mixed flock of c. 100 sand martins & swallows also contained a lone house martin. 3 reed warblers. Whitethroats and lesser whitethroats singing across the reserve...

- Farmoor Reservoir: 3rd September
Little Stint along the causeway late this evening. +Black Tern Black-tailed Godwit (per T.P.Birder) Black-necked Grebe Still on F1. Dunlin: Along causeway. 15 Yellow Wagtail: c. 15 around water treatment works and along causeway. Swallow: Mixed...

- 1066 12th April
1 Little Egret, 1 Redshank, 1 Green Sand, and a mixed flock of around 150 Swallows, Sandies and a couple of House Martins at Sutton Courtenay scrape....

