

Belated photo upload from the evening (5-7 pm) of 15th April. No sighting of the Red-necked Grebe (last seen 14th April pm).

Common Tern, F2
Yellow Wagtail, near the treatment works
Photos (c) Nigel Forrow

- Otmoor 15th April
1 Redstart (male) 1 Grasshopper Warbler 1 Common Tern 2 Golden Plover 2 Curlew 2 Shelduck 3 Ruff 1 Ringed Plover 1 Little-ringed Plover 1+Oystercatcher 1 Wheatear (sheep Fields) 2 Cetti's Warbler (Reed bed) (Pete Roby,Tezzer & Paul Greenaway)...

- Grey Phalarope In Flight At Farmoor
A belated posting from Saturday 21 Jan. Photo (c) Nigel Forrow. ...

- Farmoor 7th January Pm
Great Northern Diver, west side of F2, 1-2 pm then moved off into centre. No sighting (12-3 pm) of Slavonian Grebe.Diver in a flapPhoto (c) Nigel Forrow...

- Farmoor: White-winged Black Tern Still Present
The WW Black-Tern is still this evening on F1 +Arctic Tern & Knot Still present on F1 13:00. Still present at 13:45 (per RBA) +4 Black Terns +Black necked Grebe still (per Sydney Penner) Farmoor Reservoir: Farmoor I 2 Common Sandpiper Mark Merritt...

- Weekend Bird Pics
Sedge Warbler,Otmoor 17th April Lapwing,Otmoor 17th April Grasshopper Warbler,Sydlings Copse 16th April Photo's (c) W.P.Bull...

