Farmoor 5 October

Farmoor 5 October

Little Stint (c) Stephen Burch
Click here for hi res version

- Farmoor Reservoir: Farmoor I: 29th September
Farmoor Reservoir: Farmoor I Common Sandpiper Ringed Plover 3 Shelduck Stephen Lockey...

- Farmoor 5 October
Little Stint (c) Stephen BurchClick here for hi res version ...

- Farmoor Reservoir
No sign of the Falcated Duck by 11:20 this morning. Also the Mallard numbers have dropped by c250 birds. (per Dai & Terry Sherlock)   Farmoor Reservoir: Farmoor I 3 Dunlin 3 Scaup: ad female; juv female; juv male. 2 Slavonian Grebe Farmoor...

- Farmoor 6 August
Dunlin (c) Stephen Burch Click here for hi res version...

- Farmoor 23rd September Little Stint
Bird Guides reported a little stint and 3 black terns at Farmoor mid afternoon. I went down and managed to locate the stint along the causeway with 5 dunlin. There were also now 4 black terns in the middle of F2. Also: 1 common sandpiper 2 yellow wagtails...

