Farmoor 28th November

Farmoor 28th November

1 Rock Pipit
8 Meadow Pipit
1 Common Sandpiper
1 Dunlin
3 Redshank
1 Shelduck
8 Goldeneye
12 Pochard
350+ Tufted Duck
Red-necked Grebe still present on F2.

- Farmoor 1st November
Red-necked Grebe Goldeneye Dunlin Redshank Rock Pipit 3 (per The Wickster)...

- Farmoor Reservoir 2nd December
Red-necked Grebe a.m (per Dai) Rock Pipit (per RBA) Redshank: Flew onto Farmoor II to join 2 others (per Stephen Lockey)...

- Farmoor Early Pm April 1st
Black Redstart 1 Northern Wheatear 1m Sand Martin 13 Rock Pipit 1 Meadow Pipit 6+ Common Redshank 2 Dunlin 1 Common Sandpiper 1 Little Gull 1 ad winter Black headed Gull 1100+ Common Goldeneye 23 Little Grebe 3 Shrike Meadow Eurasian Wigeon 15 Eurasian...

- Farmoor Mid Afternoon 11th December
Freezing fog and much reduced visibility. In the gloom made out the following: Falcated Duck 1 Mallard 324 Gadwall 6 Northern Shoveler 2 Common Pochard 16 Tufted Duck 150+ Common Goldeneye 12 Eurasian Wigeon 11 Common Teal 7 Slavonian Grebe 1 Little Grebe...

- Farmoor 25th October
1 Water Pipit ( still present at 14-30 hrs ) 2 Rock pipit 1 Dunlin 1 Redshank 1 Common Sandpiper 2 Raven 6 Yellow-legged Gull...

