Farmoor 25th October

Farmoor 25th October

1 Water Pipit ( still present at 14-30 hrs )
2 Rock pipit
1 Dunlin
1 Redshank
1 Common Sandpiper
2 Raven
6 Yellow-legged Gull

- Farmoor Res 3rd October
0830 -1130hrs Red necked Grebe 1 initially by sailing club on F2 but then flushed by yachts and possibly flew to F1 Little Grebe 24 Yellow legged Gull 10 Greater Black backed Gull 1 Common Tern 1 juvenile Dunlin 1 Yellow Wagtail 1 Grey Wagtail...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 15th September
Rock Pipit 3 Meadow Pipit Yellow Wagtail Common Sandpiper (per Clive Payne)...

- Farmoor Early Pm April 1st
Black Redstart 1 Northern Wheatear 1m Sand Martin 13 Rock Pipit 1 Meadow Pipit 6+ Common Redshank 2 Dunlin 1 Common Sandpiper 1 Little Gull 1 ad winter Black headed Gull 1100+ Common Goldeneye 23 Little Grebe 3 Shrike Meadow Eurasian Wigeon 15 Eurasian...

- Farmoor Saturday 4.15 - 6.45pm
Rock Pipit 1 north of F1; Meadow Pipit 3 east grass bank of F1; Dunlin 1 on causeway; Med Gull adult in roost ...

- Farmoor 27th October
5 Little Gull all 1st w flew through heading north at 14:35. Water Pipit still on south side of causeway but mobile. Rock Pipit Jack Snipe on Shrike Meadow. (per R.B.A) More Info The water pipit (c) David Fearn ...

